Aham Nature nurtures a three-pronged approach. Knowledge, practical implementation and eventually every Aham member becomes a self-sustainer.
organic farming has been the buzzword for long. however the concept has restricted itself either to the corporate world or the terraces of connoisseurs. more often than not, it is flaunted like an art piece. due to this little or no knowledge gets transmitted to all levels of the society. there’s still lack of clarity regarding organic farming’s efficiency towards mass production.
as the first step, we aim to remove the fog and make it distinctly clear. using multifarious media vehicles and tools as well as on ground activities, we intend to educate those who are interested about the hazards of genetically modified seeds and pesticide-driven farming. The awareness will also arouse the curiosity and interest levels. in short, it is all about broadening the category of organic farming by making it more inclusive.
in our race against time, in a euphoria wrongly termed as progress, in an era of commercialization disguised as convenience; we left our values and virtues far behind. we lost our body-mind harmony in a pill-for pain economy. our health system and immune is always on red we are using every tool given by technology to dig our own grave. now the time has come for a self-realization, a deeper look into ourselves and the nature which made us possible. It is time to give her something in return. to farm on our own, live healthy, preserve the elements of nature and give tomorrow a better world.